Air Conditioning Maintenance Service Las Vegas

It is important to remember that an air-conditioning system has hundreds of moving parts. Each one of these parts has a fail rate just like your car. You know what will happen if you don’t change the oil in your car or don’t have your maintenance performed. That’s right you will be dentin for a costly disaster.
Repairing your air-conditioning system after it breaks down can be just as, if not more, expensive as repairing your car. Many people do not understand how important it is for air-conditioning preventative maintenance, aka “the tune up”. Think your unit outside running for thousands of hours, vibrating, shaking, turning, pumping, and under high pressure.
Know This:
Something as simple as a loose wire can cause thousands of dollars worth of damage. This is just one of the many failures that are easily prevented. Most Las Vegas AC Companies won’t tell you this because they make more money repairing failures rather than working to prevent them. Getting your AC system tuned up before the long hard summer season is as important as making sure your car is ready for a thousand mile journey through a desert.

A proper AC tune up should be broken down into three main categories of requirement. First the Manufactures recommended a 15 point maintenance procedure, second is a safety inspection, third is comfort analysis.
Maintenance Procedure aka Tune Up
Every AC manufacturer has a recommended tune up/preventative maintenance procedure for their specific equipment. At cool air now our air conditioner service technicians undergo rigorous training in preventative maintenance procedures. Our AC service technicians are certified in preventive maintenance procedures for all major manufacturers. Achieving this status is painstaking and expensive, but we believe it is absolutely essential in order to truly service our customer’s air conditioning equipment properly. Our air conditioning technicians are tested regularly and graded on their performance in the field failing to successfully prevent air conditioning failure during the season.
No breakdown guarantee
After allowing our air conditioning service technician perform a complete ac preventative maintenance which includes a 28-point safety inspection and a comfort analysis, in the event that your unit fails to operate at any time during that cooling season, you will be refunded the cost of the maintenance procedure, safety inspection and comfort analysis.
Tune-Up & Maintenance Policy
Any procedure performed improperly, is a mark against a Cool Air Now technician. Conversely, our AC technicians that achieve minimal breakdowns after performing preventative maintenance are recognized and receive additional compensation. Due to the effectiveness of this policy, having your maintenance performed by our AC service techs enables us to offer you a no breakdown guarantee.
Refrigerant levels
Although the specifics of an air conditioning preventative maintenance procedure differs from manufacturer to manufacturer, some of the main areas of concern are: utilizing the proper equipment and being certified in the usage of it. The amount of refrigerant inside the air conditioning system should be set to an optimal level for each customers target comfort temperature. In doing so, not only will prevention of multiple failures be achieved but increased efficiency will also. This will result in a lower power bill.
Loose connections
During the thousands of hours your air conditioner is operating every year it stands to reason that much of the mechanical and electrical components will begin to loosen. Loose connections in electrical circuits cause premature failure of electronics and increased wear from excessive amperage in control components. Loose mechanical causes many types of unnecessary failures as well. Our AC techs are trained in the proper procedure and know the adequate torque specifications to correct these conditions.
The Air Conditioning System has many moving parts. Many of the moving parts inside your air conditioning system require lubrication to prevent excessive friction and premature failure. Our AC techs are trained to ensure that these parts receive proper lubrication.
Temperature Transfers
The primary function of an air conditioning system is to absorb heat from the inside air of your home and to then reject it to the outside air. There are two main components designed to achieve these temperature transfers. Our technicians have extensive training and are well equipped to maximize the effectiveness of these temperature transfers. There are many different variables involved in the process and failure of optimal temperature transfers will result in higher operating costs, as well as unnecessary wear to major and expensive components.
Amp Draws
When any electrical component performs its duty, the amount of electricity it uses is measured in amps. This is known as the components amp draw. The more electricity a component uses the more higher the amp draw. Our technicians are specialists in this area; trained to minimize amp draws, increasing efficiency and components life. Translating amp draws and knowing the meaning whether they are too high or too low is an area of expertise for a Cool Air Now service technician.
There are many potential areas of danger involved in the standard operation of an air conditioning system. Our trained air conditioning technicians specialize in examining these areas to ensure safe operating conditions. Situations such as high voltage, electricity, fast moving mechanical parts, components operating at very high temperature, integrity of high amperage wires and the structural support of equipment are some of the areas our technicians will always be focusing on. Ensuring safe operation of your air conditioning equipment is a priority at Cool Air Now.
Client comfort is a priority for all Cool Air Now air conditioning technicians. The majority of the time our AC technicians are able to improve the comfort of our customers with simple little adjustments or even through the process of informing the customer more details about system operation. Our air conditioning technicians spend many hours learning about all of the different variables that pertain to a clients comfort.
Many customers have learned to accept certain inadequacies thinking that they are part of normal operation. It is not until a properly certified specialist visits their home, that they learn otherwise. Problems such as hot and cold spots, air noise, equipment noise, temperature fluctuations, excessive air flow, dry skin, dry sinuses, excessive dust, and restless sleep are all possible causes of improper system operation. Our AC technicians are certified comfort specialists and will work hard to identify and resolve these problems.
At Now Services, we work hard to satisfy our customers. We feel that once you have experienced our services that you will know you’re in good hands. This in itself should be all the reasons you need to continue using our services, however, in addition to exceptional service we offer a Club Membership that comes with even further benefits.
Club membership benefits:
- First priority for any emergency service
- 15% discount on any future repairs
- Extended warranties on any future repair
- 24/7 service at no additional charge
- 50% discount on system tune ups
- No break down guarantee
Have a specific question? Contact us or call now: (702) 605-6200